Exposition Photolittérature
1839. Photography is invented and makes its way in among the other arts, uninvited and upending their connections with one another. Initially deemed an “industrial art,” this process for duplicating reality came to modify the ways of depicting space, time, and memory, and to question painters and writers in a mix of rejection and fascination.
La vallée du Darror. Voyage au pays çomalis, Georges Révoil (texte, dessins et photographies), Paris, 1882 © D.R. Georges Révoil / Challamel Aîné
At the point where photography and literature meet, interconnections formed, complex and fertile. It is that variety of interactions between image and text that the exhibition Photolittérature (Photo-literature) aims to explore through a selection of works in French. These feature photographer-writer dialogues, photographer writers, writer photographers, texts illustrated with anonymous photographs, and books without illustrations in which photography is a theme and images, which are absent, serve as a catalyst for the narrative.
Travel story, fiction, poetry, autobiography… quite a journey down the ages and through the esthetic trends, following the frictions, fusions, and evolution of print supports to take stock of the range of photo-literary phenomena, from the invention of Modernity — which photography helped to form — to the new potential of digital technologies.
Facile, Paul Éluard (poèmes), Man Ray (photographies), Paris, Editions GLM., 1935 © D.R. Paul Éluard / Man Ray / GLM
Paris vu par André Kertész, Pierre Mac Orlan (texte), André Kertész (photographies), Paris, Éditions d’histoire et d’art, Librairie Plon © D.R. André Kertész / Pierre Mac Orlan / Plon
Marta Caraion, assistant professor at the University of Lausanne
Jean-Pierre Montier, professor at the University of Rennes
Visites commentées de l'exposition
Dimanche 6 novembre à 14h, par les commissaires d’exposition
Samedi 3 décembre à 14h, par les commissaires d’exposition
Moment famille
Un rendez-vous pour partager avec vos enfants une visite ludique de l’exposition et un atelier créatif, élaboré par les étudiants de l’Université de Lausanne.
Mercredi 16 novembre à 15h