Thursdays in Residence Archive

Rencontre avec Antônio Xerxenesky
Quelques considérations sur la littérature latino-américaine

Tuesday 23 May 2017, 15:00
Rencontre avec Antônio Xerxenesky

© Fondation Jan Michalski, D.R

Event completed




Gratuite, sans réservation

Antônio Xerxenesky nous propose un moment d’échange sur la littérature latino-américaine. 


Antônio Xerxenesky (1984) is a Brazilian fiction writer and translator. Considered by the british Granta magazine one of the twenty best young Brazilian novelists, Xerxenesky is the author of two novels, most recently F (2014), whose movie rights have been sold to RT Features. The novel was translated into French by Asphalte Editions and was nominated for the prestigious Prix Médicis. Xerxenesky has also published two short story collections and many essays on literature and cinema. As a translator from English and Spanish to Portuguese, Xerxenesky has translated important authors such as Enrique Vila-Matas and Adolfo Bioy Casares. He is currently working on a PhD thesis at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Antonio Xerxenesky will devote his time as writer in residence to his project O mundo para nos.

In residence at the Jan Michalski Foundation
From 26 April to 24 May 2017