
Bibliotopia 2022 | Interview with Long Litt Woon and Katherine May

"Back to Life : Nature and the art of repairing ourselves"
Moderation: Michelle Bailat-Jones

Long Litt Woon is a Malaysian and Norwegian writer and anthropologist who has been living in Norway since university. Following the death of her husband, she wrote her first work of non-fiction, "The Way through the Woods: Overcoming grief through nature" (2019, translated by Barbara Haveland). The book traces her grief and the discovery of the world of mycology, which brings her unexpected joy and helps her heal.

Katherine May, British author and podcaster, a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, including "The Electricity of Every Living Thing" (2021) and "The Whitstable High Tide Swimming Club" (2018) is compelled by how the wild landscapes can benefit our mental and emotional wellbeing. "Wintering" (2020), translated into twenty languages, became "The New York Times" bestseller and describes the benefits of the fallow period at difficult times before reemerging into life.